Profitability is the foundation of all business operations and the foundation of responsibility.
Patria seeks to operate in a cost-efficient and profitable manner, while taking account of both its role as a partner of the Finnish Defence Forces and the impact of its operations in the surrounding society. In addition to financial performance, Patria's key areas of financial responsibility include anti-corruption practices, the prevention of money laundering and compliance with competition regulations.
Patria grows and develops its business activities in a long-term and responsible manner. This requires investment in the development of customer relationships, services and expertise, in order to provide customers with reliable products and services. It is important to optimise the use of financial resources in order to ensure long-term, profitable growth. Patria engages in a professional and long-term manner with its supplier and subcontractor network. Operations are developed cost-effectively through co-operation.
Shareholders are paid dividends, determined by the Annual General Meeting, from profitable operations. Funds paid to charitable activities are directed at organisations selected on a centralised and transparent basis.
The tax strategy is transparent and based on taxation being paid where operations occur. Patria does not use tax havens to minimise its taxes. Patria's tax strategy involves supporting business solutions and ensuring their proper implementation, including from a taxation perspective. The starting point is compliance with local legislation and attending to reporting obligations.
Patria does not accept money laundering in its operations. Patria's financial reporting is reliable and up-to-date.
Read more about financial responsibility from: Financials, Industrial participation