MRO for diesel engines
Patria offers tailored services for diesel engines with power ranges up to 6000 kW from most well-known manufacturers as well as for related equipment.
Our customer base includes for example navy, shipping and ferry companies, power stations and nuclear power plants, as well as industry that uses diesel-powered heavy machinery.
Large scale maintenance and overhaul projects are carried out in our well-established workshop in Linnavuori, Finland, but the workshop excellence can also be brought to the customers’ site whenever necessary.
We have at our disposal all the conventional facilities required, including several cleaning and NDT processes, 3D measuring, balancing, and equipment and engine testing. In addition, we have vast experience in parts repairs when there are no spare parts available. Our repair processes include welding, thermal spray coating, grinding and machining, heat treatment and vacuum brazing.
We give our customers confidence in their equipment by making the maintenance repair and overhaul (MRO) process transparent and open. From the workshop floor to technical services and documentation, we are committed to meeting even the highest customer standards and requirements with high quality and excellence of service.
Our workshop is certified to ISO 9001 and ISO 14001, and we are an approved Achilles Utilities NCE supplier. In addition, we are an approved service supplier for several Nuclear Power companies around Europe and we are the Finnish Defence Force’s strategic partner.

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Platforms and integrated systems
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