Patria's social responsibility includes the Patria commitment to the societies where Patria conducts business, its personnel, customers and other stakeholders.
Patria social responsibility includes ethical and sustainable business conduct (with special focus on anti-corruption and anti-bribery), environment, healthy working environments and conditions, occupational safety and operating as a responsible corporate citizen.
Patria encourages and involves its personnel and other key stakeholders in the development of the procedures that relate to socially responsible business operations. Similar responsible practices are also expected from Patria partners. The key areas of Patria's social responsibility are related to ethical business conduct, the safety of its operations, equality and fair treatment of personnel and the procurement chain.
Patria provides a safe, productive, equal and healthy working environment, where each individual and team can contribute and perform well in a well-managed organisation.
Each manager is responsible for leading by example, i.e. behaving in accordance with Patria values and management and other business practices. Harassment, discrimination, improper conduct, or other unethical conduct is not tolerated in any form.
The purpose of occupational safety work is to maintain a company in which risks affecting personnel and tangible assets are effectively eliminated or minimised. In the defence industry, many other measures of safety and quality also play an important role.
The ultimate goal of Patria reflected in its responsible business operations is to contribute to development of a more sustainable society. Responsible corporate citizenship means seeking new development targets together with other stakeholders in the value chain and with the members of society.
Critical areas of focus for Patria are ethical business conduct and through that actively fighting corruption.