Patria increases its NH90 Service Centre Capabilities in the Nordic Countries

Patria and NHI have today signed an agreement enhancing their co-operation in the helicopter life cycle support services. Patria will get extended NHI Service Centre capability for Finland, which NHI and Patria will also jointly offer to the other Nordic NH90 customers.
“We are very pleased with the co-operation agreement. This agreement further strengthens the unique skills and competencies of Patria in helicopter support and repair technologies as well as represents an opportunity to gain even more in-depth knowledge of the NH90 helicopters. For Patria the agreement will bring further increased competencies and an opportunity to win a major role in the Nordic NH90 maintenance. This supports our strategy to strengthen Patria’s position as the leading helicopter maintenance provider in the Nordic countries”, states Jukka Holkeri, Executive Vice President of Patria.
Patria provides helicopter life cycle support services and assembles the NH90 transport helicopters related to the Joint Nordic Standard Helicopter Procurement Programme. The first NH90 assembly line established outside the NAHEMA countries is located in Jämsä, Finland. The first Patria assembled NH90 helicopter has been delivered to the Swedish Armed Forces.
Patria is a defence and aerospace group with international operations delivering its customers competitive solutions based on own specialist know-how and partnerships. Patria is owned by the State of Finland and the European Aeronautic Defence and Space Company EADS N.V. Contact persons: Patria Mr Jukka Holkeri, Executive Vice President Mobile: +358 40 869 2008