
Patria has received an order for the Advanced Realtime Intelligence System (ARIS) ELINT system from a European customer. The order covers serial production of undisclosed amount of ARIS system and integrating it to existing infrastructure. Deliveries take place between years 2010-2012. Being the first serial production order it is a significant milestone for ARIS that has been intensively developed in Patria's Systems Business Unit to be offered to international markets.

Patria's ARIS (Advanced Real-Time Intelligence System) is a world class ELINT system for technical electronic intelligence.  ARIS can detect, measure, record and visualize modern LPI radar waveforms in wide real time bandwidth with its sophisticated signal processing and innovative 3-D user interface. The user interface connects to the receiver via network and adapts to different bandwidth allowing ARIS to be remote operable. ARIS is a perfect choice for mobile or fixed ELINT stations and updating legacy systems.

Patria is a defence, security and aerospace group with international operations delivering its customers competitive solutions based on own specialist know-how and partnerships. Patria is owned by the State of Finland and the European Aeronautic Defence and Space Company EADS N.V.

Further information:

Simo Mäkipaja
VP, Marketing and Sales, Systems
Mobile: +358 40 869 2618

Pasi Niinikoski
President, Systems              
Mobile: +358 40 869 2400