
ÐURO ÐAKOVIĆ Holding d.d. (DDH) and Patria have signed a Frame Agreement confirming their common efforts in sales of Patria AMV vehicles to case-by-case selected third countries. DDH will be the prime contractor and will also have a significant role in the production of sold vehicles. The potential customer countries will be identified during the envisaged co-operation.

The operative contract on delivery of armoured wheeled vehicles to the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Croatia is in full serial production at ÐURO ÐAKOVIĆ Specijalna vozila d.d. (DDSV), a subsidiary of DDH which has received all needed technology from Patria. DDSV has delivered over 70 armoured wheeled vehicles made in Croatia.

“Patria is pleased with the superior performance of DDSV’s serial production and this Frame Agreement solidifies the continuation of our successful long-term co-operation. We believe that this partnership with DDH supported by the Republic of Croatia will be a strong asset covering the new armoured wheeled vehicle market potential. This frame agreement strengthens Patria’s leading position as the supplier of armoured wheeled vehicles in the international market”, says Seppo Seppälä, President of Patria Land Systems and Patria Land Services.

“This agreement is the next huge step in our strategic partnership and opening the new markets for the excellent product Patria AMV. We want to thank Patria for the trust and the good co-operation so far. We have together done a great job and I am sure that this is just a beginning of a very successful story”, states Vladimir Kovacevic, President, Duro Dakovic Holding.

Group Đuro Đaković provides products and services in two main areas: energy and industry, and vehicles and machines, where the group is specialised in the production of special and rail vehicles, such as battle tanks, wheeled armoured vehicles, freight wagons, tank wagons and engineering machinery. ÐURO ÐAKOVIĆ Specijalna vozila d.d. is owned by DDH (99,65 %) and it operates in the field of the second core business of Group Đuro Đaković with regard to the production of special and rail vehicles. DDH is listed in Zagreb Stock Exchange.

Patria Group is a defence, security and aerospace group with international operations delivering its customers competitive solutions based on own specialist know-how and partnerships. Patria is owned by the State of Finland (73,2 %) and the European Aeronautic Defence and Space Company EADS N.V. (26,8 % ).

Further information:
Patria - Seppo Seppälä
, President, Patria Land Systems and Patria Land Services, phone +358 40 869 2680, [email protected]
DDH - Vladimir Kovacevic, President, Duro Dakovic Holding, phone +385 35 446 256, [email protected]