
Today, 28 June 2013, the Court of Appeal of Turku confirmed the decision given by the Pirkanmaa District Court related to the Egyptian export deal concluded during 1998–2004, by a group company then called Patria Vammas Oy. Under the Court of Appeal’s decision, all bribery charges were dismissed and the State was ordered to compensate Patria's legal expenses.

Three former Patria employees were sentenced to conditional imprisonment for accounting offences or for aiding in accounting offences. The Court of Appeal dismissed charges for aiding in accounting offences against one former Patria employee and the State was ordered to compensate the related legal expenses.

The company has been handed the decision and will now familiarise itself with the reasons given for the judgement. Patria deems it crucial that these matters are investigated thoroughly and that the case is closed as soon as possible, as the process has now lasted for several years.

Further information on Friday 28 June 2013 at 1 pm – 3 pm Finnish time: General Counsel Sirpa-Helena Sormunen, tel.  +358 40 869 2003