
The Finland Chamber of Commerce is coordinating a female managers' apprenticeship challenge campaign (, an outcome of a mentoring project for female managers. Its objective is to gain visibility for apprenticeship training and increase the significance of apprenticeships as a path to the world of work.

An important factor behind the campaign is youth exclusion: there are an estimated 51,000 young people aged 15–29 in Finland who are not in school or employed. One permanently excluded young person will cost society €1.2 million over his or her lifetime. The campaign aims to create 100 new kinds of apprenticeship jobs in Finland. If this target is achieved, the campaign will generate savings of €120 million for society. Apprenticeships provide companies with learning employees where they are needed. Young people gain access to work and training, the employment rate increases and exclusion is reduced. It must be possible to learn a trade by working, and becoming a manager requires taking responsibility and delivering results.

Patria is involved in the campaign and has been taking on apprentices for several years. In addition to Patria, campaign participants include ABB, Alko, Aspectum, CGI, Diacor, Enfo, If, Itella, Kalmar, Kone, Lidl, Lindorff, Megaklinikka, Mehiläinen, Outotec, Pohjola Insurance, Raksystems, Rovio, SEB, SEW, Soprano and Tieturi.