
Three-year Get Moving project ends with excellent results. The objective of the joint Get Moving project of Patria and the Finnish Military Sport Federation was to encourage conscripts to take up sports and to make sports activities easily available to all conscripts. This objective was successfully met, and now each training unit offers conscripts the opportunity to take up sports activities In 2013, the project rewarded the Gulf of Finland Naval Command for excellent sports club activities.

Conscripts are eager to take up sports in their leisure time as long as the  opportunity is provided. This was the conclusion of the joint Get Moving project of Patria and the Finnish Military Sport Federation designed to promote a sports-oriented lifestyle during conscription, thereby improving the physical condition and quality of young people's lives. A variety of sports activities were offered to conscripts during this project by developing sport clubs in FDF training units.

“It has been our goal to establish sports club activities in all training units and to make them a permanent arrangement. In recognition of good achievements, Patria rewards military units annually for well-organised sports club activities, thereby fostering further physical activity," explains Birgitta Selonen, Vice President, Corporate Communications.

A heavy prize

In recognition of well-organised sports clubs, Patria rewarded the Gulf of Finland Naval Command with sets of kettlebells. The award ceremony was held during the opening event of the FDF sports year at the Defence Command Finland.

Even before the project launch, the Gulf of Finland Naval Command had been commended for its uninterrupted sports club activities offered to conscripts. Activities have been further developed during the project and they have now reached an excellent level.  The staff was also praised for their active input in supporting the activities. Other positive factors mentioned included the active approach adopted by the military unit and the theme events held in the training unit to introduce and promote new sports.

Sports clubs to all training units

The purpose of the Get Moving project is to extend the Finnish Military Sport Federation's sports club activities to cover all Finnish military training units and conscripts. Before the Get Moving project, 15 training units had sport clubs of their own. Following the project launch, sports clubs have been established in all training units, making sports activities available to all conscripts.

Some clubs established by conscripts have been running in the FDF since 1987. These clubs focus on sports that are of interest to conscripts and that are coached by conscripts themselves. Training sessions for sports club leaders are attended by 150 conscripts every year. Acting as a sports club leader also provides conscripts with an opportunity to gain hands-on leadership experience.


For additional information, please contact:
Birgitta Selonen, Vice President, Corporate Communications, tel. +358 (0)40 869 2043, [email protected]

Patria is a trusted provider of defence, security and aviation life-cycle support services and technology solutions. Patria is owned by the Republic of Finland (73.2%) and the Airbus Group (26.8%).