Patria joins Society’s Commitment to Sustainable Development

In Society’s Commitment to Sustainable Development, coordinated by the Ministry of the Environment, Patria pledges to develop the energy efficiency of the real estate property it manages and to further enhance occupational safety in order to reduce the number of accidents at work. Patria is a responsible employer. In addition to its financial performance, Patria bears responsibility for the well-being of its employees and the environment. Patria's commitment supports that of the defence administration, announced last week.
“These commitments enable us to make a contribution to developing a cleaner and safer Finland,” comments Birgitta Selonen, Vice President, Corporate Communications, Patria.
Finland’s national strategy on sustainable development was renewed in 2013. Instead of a traditional strategy document, the National Commission on Sustainable Development decided to introduce Society’s Commitment to Sustainable Development, “The Finland we want by 2050”. With this commitment, the public sector, together with other actors, pledges to promote sustainable development in all work and operations.