
Patria was awarded the Innovation of the Year Award for the Patria Nemo Container at the Future Mortar Systems conference in London, October 2017. Nemo Container is the world's first 120mm mortar system integrated with a container.

Patria Nemo Container gained a lot of interest among the participants," says Kari Reunamäki, Product Manager, who received the award. "The Patria Nemo Container has all the equipment needed by the mortar unit in one package," Reunamäki continues.


Patria Nemo Container

The Nemo Container is delivered with everything that a mortar unit needs: protection for the crew, the weapon and ammunition. The container has its own power unit and air conditioning. In addition to an access hatch, the container has an escape hatch.The customer can select NBC (Nuclear, Biological and Chemical) filtration systems, as well as the desired ballistic protection, made either of steel plates or ceramic armour. High-durability steel plating 8 to 10mm thick adds around three tons to the weight of the container.

The container has space for one hundred mortar bombs – double the number compared to that of the Nemo AMV vehicle version, for example. The container has a crew of three: two loaders and a gunner, who also acts as the commander of the unit. The key benefit of the Patria Nemo Container is its easy mobility, which is unique to mortar systems of this calibre.

For further details:

Kari Reunamäki, Vice President Weapon Systems, Land business unit, [email protected]

Patria is a trusted provider of defense, security and aviation life cycle support services and technology solutions. Besides Finland, the Group has operations in Sweden, Norway, Estonia, Poland, the United Arab Emirates, the United States and South Africa. Patria employs 2,800 professionals. Patria is owned by the State of Finland (50.1%) and Norwegian Kongsberg Defense& Aerospace AS (49.9%).


In the photo: Kari Reunamäki,

Vice President Weapon Systems, Land