Patria’s customer promise – When if is not an option – means that our operations must be one-hundred-per-cent reliable and dependable under all circumstances. This is required by our customers in critical sectors, such as the defence forces, border guards and police in our countries of operation.
Ensuring security of supply and continuity of society’s core functions is always vital, but they take an even greater importance during exceptional circumstances such as the coronavirus pandemic.
Patria’s operating methods and collaboration with customers have been seriously put to the test in the past few months. Yet, in spite of these exceptional times, we have been able to provide nearly undisturbed service meeting customer needs.
Patria has demonstrated that it is a partner worthy of its customer promise. Patria’s operating model helps ensuring security of supply and delivering commitments. We establish ourselves in our operating countries by building supply chains and fleet maintenance networks with our local partners.
In many cases Patria is also responsible for project management on our customer’s behalf. This requires profound expertise and an ability to coordinate and manage complexity so that the customer receives the desired level of performance and required features at the right price.
Involved in all key development projects
Patria is involved in key development projects in all branches of the Finnish defence sector increasing both overall defence capabilities and collaboration between different military branches. Cost-effective solutions enhancing performance are a common nominator in all of these projects.
Patria´s 6x6 wheeled vehicle platform has been selected for a joint program between Finland, Latvia and Estonia which aims to develop a common armoured wheeled vehicle system combining performance and cost-effectiveness. Patria believes that this will also be of interest to other countries wishing to improve the mobility of their armed forces.
Patria is heavily involved in two major development programs for the Finnish Navy. In the Squadron 2000 project Patria is responsible for updating Hamina-class PPG’s (Patrol boat gun/guided missile) as a Prime contractor. Hamina-class PGG’s will get new capabilities in anti-submarine warfare and will also get new combat management systems, new surface to surface missile while going through a complete maintenance, repair and overhaul in ship systems.
In the Squadron 2020 Patria is a provider of a state-of-the-art bistatic active-passive Sonar SONAC DTS to be integrated into new Pohjanmaa-class multirole corvettes as a part of its antisubmarine warfare kit.
Patria is also an active participant in the Finnish Air Force’s HX fighter program replacing Finland’s Hornet fleet with new multipurpose fighters.
A trusted partner in life cycle support services
Patria is known for its high-performance products in international markets. Thanks to innovative technology and long-term product development, Patria’s products are able to perform effectively even in the most difficult operating environments. The confidence shown in the quality of our work is also reflected in the selection of Patria AMVXP 8x8 for a field test program in Japan.
Reliable and cost-effective life cycle support services have a key role in maintaining the required performance of our customers’ fleets in all conditions. Three quarters of Patria’s net sales is generated by maintenance, repair and refitting services in Finland, Sweden, Norway, Estonia, Latvia and Belgium.
We are cooperating with our customers in order to develop effective operating models for our life cycle support services, no matter what the customer´s fleet consists of: aircraft, helicopters, seagoing vessels or armoured vehicles.
All of the abovementioned indicates that Patria is a reliable strategic partner across the defence industry sector both in Finland and internationally. In this publication you can read more about our top-class expertise and our diverse product and service offerings.
Esa Rautalinko
President and CEO, Patria
Photo: Miika Kainu
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