Transparency International UK has published the Defence Companies Anti-Corruption Index 2015 study, in which Patria was ranked in category C, the third-highest category.
The companies were evaluated on a scale of A–F, with A being the best, based on public information. Separately submitted internal materials increased Patria’s ranking to category B. ”We are pleased with the results, since we have been systematically developing the various sectors of Patria’s corporate social responsibility since 2000. Our principal focus has been on highlighting the importance of ethical operating methods and anti-bribery measures. Our entire personnel now participates in online training each year, and we have also promoted ethical operation in our subcontracting chain. CSR is a broad field that requires continuous development on all sectors. Our operating environment is constantly changing, which requires active CSR development work on our part. We are on the right path as a responsible operator in the defence sector,” says Patria’s CEO Heikki Allonen.
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