New and older technology shook hands in Parolannummi in March, when Patria Land demonstrated two generations of vehicles alongside each other. The last of the spring snow dusted the legendary Pasi armoured personnel carrier and its successor, the brand-new 6X6.
Two armoured personnel carriers trundled around the Parolannummi military base in March: Pasi, the legendary old workhorse, and its successor, the brand-new 6X6. Pasi has been in production since the 1980s, while the 6X6 was launched in summer 2018. The first 6X6 demonstration model has now been manufactured.
“After its summer 2018 launch, the vehicle has been heavily tested both in Finland and abroad. At the same time, we’ve finally completed a second prototype that is also in service now. By this autumn, we’ll have a total of four vehicles at our disposal, that is, in practice we’ll be ready for mass production,” says Land’s Kari Grön, Senior Vice President, Engineering.
The 6X6’s design was based on creating a user-friendly, armoured personnel carrier that, like its predecessor, has doors and windows in the cabin. It’s easy to get in and out of the vehicle, and the driver enjoys good visibility from the cabin, which is supplemented by a camera mounted at the rear. The vehicle is easy to drive, and remains firmly under the driver’s control even at high speeds and over demanding terrain.
Expanding into new markets
The Patria 6X6 is targeted at new markets, as a successor to the Pasi armoured personnel carrier and to complement customers’ AMV 8X8 vehicle base. The 6X6 complies with NATO requirements and is suitable for peacekeeping missions around the world.
“We hope to sign some deals as soon as possible. We’re already ready to manufacture the vehicle, and have had some preliminary inquiries,” says Grön.
Finland is one of our most important market areas, as it plays an important role in supporting our export efforts. That’s why we wanted to hold this demonstration to increase domestic awareness of our new product and how advanced it is. This was the first opportunity for people to test drive the vehicle, compare the old and new generations, and to tangibly demonstrate why it was time to roll out this new product.
The 6X6 has been designed to be a straightforward and cost-effective solution, and lifecycle support is also an essential part of the package. It has been designed to be durable and long-lived – just like its predecessor, Pasi.
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