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The unmanned systems are highly reliant on connectivity solutions, which shall withstand hostile environment.
Patria’s airborne CANDL datalink is designed for this, based on long experience of national datalink evolution. The connectivity solution is based not only by datalink but supporting mission planning, which optimizes datalink usage according to threat environment.
Patria CANDL provides a single data link solution for communications requiring high reliability, such as UAS payload data and C2. It enables air-to-air and air-to-ground Ad Hoc Networking as well as relaying for BLOS capability, thus enabling capabilities such as MUMT - Manned UnManned Teaming and LVC – Live Virtual Constructive training.
8 Mbps data rate with additional safety features for C2, dynamic Ad Hoc Networking communication, motion video and digital voice capability are all integrated in one Software Defined Radio based compact airworthy terminal.
Our CANDL covers NATO IV C-band as well as WRC 2012 defined civil UAS C2 frequency band in single housing enabling both military and civil UAS applications. Networking and range performance can be further extended with optional external HPA (High Power Amplifier) module.