Tailored software projects

With over 500 software development professionals working in-house, Patria has high delivery capability in custom projects. We provide long-term partnerships for the public sector to design and maintain critical information infrastructure. Our longest running systems still in operative use are from the 1990s, and our number one value is to deliver reliable software that is easy to maintain through its lifecycle.

Security through experience

We have delivered closer to 100 projects to secure government environments. The security culture is strongly embedded in our daily work: We have dedicated physical facilities and internal networks, that have been audited by the national authority to meet the standards for handling classified information. Our personnel are constantly trained by our security team, and our processes are reviewed regularly, to ensure the constant safety of our projects.

As our customers’ operations are usually critical to society, we have extensive back-up plan for the project personnel to make sure the projects are always well-resourced. We always hire and train a back-up person to all key roles in a project, e.g., project manager and the head architect, and through work rotation ensure our software developers’ skills overlap. All the people working for Patria have at least standard security clearance completed, to make enrollment into new projects easier.   

Agile-based project model for maximizing customer value

All software development in Patria is based on Scrum. Our largest projects employ Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe). Our project model ensures that:

  1. The software is deployed into production environment as soon as it meets the quality requirements, so that we can start measuring the customer value of the software
  2. We can already plan, train, and deliver useful features in increments to the users while we are still building the software in the delivery project