Consortium company spotlight series introducing: 

Patria – the industrial coordinator of the FAMOUS programme

FAMOUS programme

(Acronym: Future Highly Mobile Augmented Armoured System)


Improving the mobility and performance of land troops is a major priority in the long-term development of defence in the EU countries. To meet these needs, the joint European Future Highly Mobile Augmented Armoured Systems (FAMOUS) programme is developing the technologies, performance and ground combat capabilities of future armoured vehicles. 

The FAMOUS programme optimizes synergies, standardization, commonalities, innovative technologies, and interoperability capabilities in All-Terrain Vehicle (ATV) and Light Armoured Vehicle (LAV) and an upgrade to Main Battle Tank (MTB) capabilities. The technologies being developed in FAMOUS programme are related to, for example, mobility, energy production, protection, improved situational awareness, autonomy, weapons system development, C4I and improved maintainability.

Finland is the lead nation and Patria is the industrial coordinator.  

Finnish Army’s Arctic Mobility

In Finland, the project is connected to the development of the Finnish Army’s Arctic Mobility in a project seeking a new vehicle solution to replace the existing fleet of all-terrain vehicles that is becoming obsolete and will be decommissioned. The results of the ongoing feasibility study will be used to create a vehicle concept that will be developed into a prototype with the help of the funding that has now been awarded. The new vehicle solution developed under the joint project is intended to provide a high-capability foundation for mobility in the coming decades, especially in the demanding weather and terrain conditions of the northern region. The new vehicle system is required to feature excellent tactical and operational mobility. The aim is for the new vehicle to be developed over the next few years, and the subsequent procurement decisions will be made later.

The concept vehicle at Eurosatory 2024

Based on the EDIDP FAMOUS concept results and EDF FAMOUS 2 cooperative development work, Patria showcased the general layout of the concept vehicle at Patria’s stand at Eurosatory 2024.

The new tracked vehicle system presents outstanding tactical and protected mobility in the demanding weather, soft soil and extreme harsh terrain conditions. The new tracked vehicle will be a game-changer; a modern cost-effective alternative for traditionally articulated vehicles and light tracked vehicles.

Follow FAMOUS programme on LinkedIn
Further information: [email protected] 

This project has received funding from the European Defence Industrial Development Programme (EDIDP) under Grant Agreements No EDIDP-GCC-2020-058 — FAMOUS and European Defence Fund (EDF) Project 101103043 — FAMOUS2.

This presentation reflects only the author's view and the Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.

European ground combat capabilities are developed through in two phases: the FAMOUS and FAMOUS2 projects.

The FAMOUS programme consists of a study phase (EDIDP FAMOUS project) and development phase (EDF FAMOUS2 project).  The total budget of the FAMOUS programme is around EUR 132 million, of which the European Commission-funded European Defence Industrial Development Programme (EDIDP) accounted for 9 million and the European Defence Fund (EDF) for about EUR 95 million. The remaining amount of approximately EUR 28 million comes from the Member States and as investments from the participating companies.

Famous in figures



The first phase of the FAMOUS programme focused on research and studies assessing the needs and requirements of the member states; based on them, it reviewed potential vehicle and system concepts and feasible architectures. The performance potential, costs, complexity and especially the mobility of the concepts were emphasized in the evaluation process. Based on the results of the first-phase feasibility studies, the target vehicle concept was confirmed for the development phase. Project was successfully completed between DEC/2022-NOV/2023. 

EDIDP Famous

EDIDP FAMOUS Participating Countries and consortium

Finland, Belgium, Denmark, Latvia, Germany, France, Estonia, Greece and Spain took part on the EDIDP FAMOUS project to support the development of next-generation armoured vehicles. 

Famous participating countries

Links related to EDIDP FAMOUS


The second phase of the FAMOUS programme continues to develop more detailed architectural design and requirement specification for the tracked armoured personnel carrier. The vehicle design, prototyping and verifications tests against the project requirements are conducted in the project. The project implementation phase started DEC/2023 and is projected to end NOV/2026.

The project has proceeded to the concept stage. The technologies and concept performance of the future solution can be tested in practice. Below the finalised FAMOUS All Terrain Tracked Personnel Carried -concept which is on display in EUROSATORY 2024. 

Vehicle prototype

Patria with its partners will make two different prototypes of the tracked vehicle: the first will be a solution optimised for excellent mobility with current matured state-of-the-art technologies, while the second will explore future performance-enhancing technologies. The prototypes will be designed to be modular, which enables capturing of the growth potential of the concept. 

EDF FAMOUS 2Participating Countries and consortium

Famous2 participating countries


Links related to EDF FAMOUS 2