
The Finnish Prosecution Service has completed its consideration of charges in relation to Patria’s Croatian vehicle project, based on the pre-trial investigations initiated by Finland’s National Bureau of Investigation in 2008.

According to the Finnish Prosecution Service, three persons will face charges of aggravated bribery, suspected to have taken place in 2005–2008. Furthermore, the prosecutor demands that a corporate fine be imposed on Patria Land Services Oy. During the course of the pre-trial investigation, all suspects have denied the accusations made against them. In addition, the prosecutor made a decision not to prosecute the former CEO of the Group.

From Patria’s point of view, it is a positive development that the pre-trial investigation and consideration of charges have now concluded, after remaining pending for several years, and that court proceedings on the case can begin. Patria has been assisting the police in the investigation, in order to promote the case’s rapid settlement. The company will now familiarise itself with the material it has received, and the case will proceed within the timeframe and in the manner ordered by the court.

Further information on Friday 28 June 2013 at 1 pm – 3 pm Finnish time: General Counsel Sirpa-Helena Sormunen, tel.  +358 40 869 2003