Patria hands over the last MLU 2 life-cycle upgraded Hornet to the Finnish Air Force
On 9 December 2016, the last F/A-18 Hornet multi-role fighter to be upgraded to Mid-Life Upgrade 2 was handed over to the Finnish Air Force by Patria.
The MLU 2 upgrade performed by Patria included hardware and system installations and changes required by air-to-ground weaponry. The upgrade was performed at Patria’s unit sited in Halli, Jämsä.
“We are pleased to be able to hand over the last life-cycle upgraded aircraft on the original schedule and within budget. We can use the knowhow we gathered when we maintain Hornet aircraft, for example, which we will be doing for almost 15 years,” said Harri Lampinen, head of Patria’s Aircraft unit, during the hand-over festivities.
Petri Tolla, Brigadier General of the Finnish Air Force, thanked Patria for its good cooperation and the excellent quality of its work.
Patria performed the MLU 2 upgrade on all of the Air Force’s 62 F/A-18 Hornet fighters in 2012–2016. Patria also performed the first system upgrade (MLU 1) on the Air Force’s Hornet equipment in 2006–2010 and took care of the final assembly and testing of 57 single-seat F-18 C models when they were purchased.