
Vapo and Patria have signed a major agreement on cooperation regarding the development of energy solutions and partnership. This cooperation agreement will enable the two parties to develop energy efficiency and increase the proportion of domestic fuels used. The two companies have signed two significant, long-term agreements on heat supply. One agreement covers the construction of a new heating plant, operating on solid fuel  to be constructed in Jämsä, the other concerns the extension of an agreement on heat supply to Patria’s Linnavuori facility in Nokia.

Vapo will build a new heating plant at Patria’s Jämsä site. This plant will operate on solid fuel, and will supply the Jämsä facility with heat. The boiler output of the plant will be 3 megawatts, in addition to which additional capacity totalling 7 megawatts will be built at the plant for backup purposes and for offsetting peak consumption.  The plant is scheduled for completion by May of 2017, in good time before the new agreement on heat production takes effect. The annual fuel consumption of the plant will total more than 17GWh. This facility will use domestic wood and peat as fuel. The solution will provide Patria with a competitive and environmentally friendly heat supply at a stable price using domestic fuels.

The total value of the investment is approximately EUR 3 million. The impact on employment during the construction phase will be approximately 15 person years, and, after the plant is commissioned, it will provide permanent employment amounting to 10 person years.

In this connection, Vapo and Patria extended their agreement on heat supply to Patria’s Linnavuori facility in Nokia. At the Linnavuori heating plant, heat is generated using a 2-megawatt wood-chip boiler and a 3-megawatt pellet boiler.

Markus Hassinen, Director of Vapo's Heat and Power business area, is delighted that Patria chose Vapo to become its cooperation partner for the two long-term heating plants. “We find it extremely important that our customer relationship with Patria will be extended, thereby reinforcing Vapo’s strong position as a supplier of energy solutions to industry. We have set our target to become the best cooperation partner of industry by supplying efficient and innovative energy solutions and, thereby, contributing positively to Finland’s competitiveness. We own or operate more than one hundred similar facilities, which not only ensure that Patria will receive heat generated in a responsible manner and supplied in a reliable fashion but also guarantee the availability of support from a competent service organisation in all energy-related matters.”

For Patria, the major reasons for signing the agreements were previous positive experiences of cooperation with Vapo, as well as the agreement’s overall economic impact.  “Important factors for us also included the security of supply and a high domestic content throughout the chain of supply,” comments Juhani Lehmusvirta, Procurement Manager at Patria.

For more information, please contact

at Vapo:

Markus Hassinen, Director of Vapo's Heat and Power business area on +358 40 159 0314, or

Juha Kuivinen, Sales Manager on +358 40 775 2255, and

at Patria

Juhani Lehmusvirta, Procurement Manager, on +358 040 869 2314

Vapo Oy is a modern expert organisation that supplies peat and wood-based fuel to its customers and generates heat from such local fuels. Vapo owns and operates more than 150 heating and power plants as well as 26 district heating networks in Finland, Sweden and Estonia.

Patria is an internationally operating and trusted provider of life cycle support services and technology solutions for the defence, security and aviation industries. Besides Finland, the Group has operations in Sweden, Norway, Estonia, Poland, the United States, the United Arab Emirates and South Africa. Patria employs 2,900 professionals.