
Patria is part of three-country Northern-European co-operation in a consortium that was selected by the EU in the European Defence Industrial Programme for Maritime Surveillance Capabilities. The member states are Estonia, Finland and Sweden (the lead) all countries surrounding the Baltic Sea and the countries have signed the letter of intent. The consortium is led by Saab (Sweden) and further parties are Patria (Finland), CAFA Tech (Estonia) and Rantelon (Estonia).

The EDIDP is a defence industry development programme designed to support the competitiveness and innovation capacity of the union's defence industry. The EDIDP is the first EU-funded programme to develop defence capabilities, with a financial envelope of €500 million. The selection for the EDIDP programme was made at the end of June 2021 and the actual start of the project will take place in autumn 2021. Duration of the PADIC programme is three years.

The project Passive Acquisition by Digital Convergence (PADIC) will study, design, prototype and test a coastal radar network system in response to emerging threats by exploiting acquisition by passive sensors in an open architecture. The project will make use of low-cost and commercially available passive radars across Europe that are spectrally non-congesting during peacetime, while sustainable and immune against stealth attempts during conflicts. It will also maximise the performance through digitalization towards function-transparent, software-defined sensor hardware platforms.

“We are extremely happy that our team’s expertise, our technological background and the commitments and contributions from the consortium member states were valued by the EU and now we can further develop these next-generation capabilities with our neighbours and with our partners”, says Jonas Geust, President of Systems Business Unit at Patria.

Further information:

Jonas Geust, President, Systems, Patria, tel. +358 40 502 2717 [email protected]

Patria is an international provider of defence, security and aviation life cycle support services, pilot training and technology solutions. Patria provides its aerospace and military customers with equipment availability, continuous performance development as well as selected intelligence, surveillance and management system products and services. Patria’s mission is to give its customers confidence in all conditions, and the vision is to be the #1 partner for critical operations on land, sea and air. Patria has several locations including Finland, Sweden, Norway, Belgium, Estonia and Spain. Patria employs 3,000 professionals. Patria is owned by the State of Finland (50.1%) and Norwegian Kongsberg Defence & Aerospace AS (49.9%). Patria owns 50% of Norwegian Nammo, and together these three companies form a leading Nordic defence partnership.