Patria measures the “Pulse” of the personnel related to serious misconducts and other unethical activity every two years by conducting an anonymous survey on “Possibility of serious misconduct in Patria”. The survey has earlier beeb sent to all senior and middle management as well as 10% of randomly picked other personnel all over the Patria group of companies. In 2023 the survey was sent to all personnel.
The questionnaire includes questions such as
- Do you think there is corruption in Patria? If yes, what kind of corruption and on which organization level it occurs.
- Do you think there is other serious misconduct, such as fraud, embezzlement, etc. in Patria? If yes, what kind.
- Do you know how to act in case you recognize unethical activity?
- Do you trust that it is safe to report unethical activity in Patria?
- Do you think that the investigations are conducted thoroughly and with integrity?
- Please assess the effectiveness and quality of the related trainings?
Main findings of the surveys were that the results were on the same good level as in the previous years. The results are presented to the Board of management as well as to the Audit Committee and corrective actions are suggested.