Patria collaborates with national and international stakeholders, such as private operators, state-owned enterprises, governments and government officials and agencies on a variety of levels and in numerous ways (e.g. as a corporate citizen, tax payer, supplier, business partner and employer). Collaborating and conducting business with any and all of these stakeholders requires high ethical standards, integrity and transparency. This collaboration is subject to strict requirements concerning anti-corruption and anti-bribery as well as requirements concerning procurement practices, lobbying, sponsoring, representation, conflict of interest situations, gifts and benefits.
Patria directors, board members, officers, employees and business partners are required to conduct business with high integrity and ethical standards and in a transparent manner when collaborating and interacting with any and all of the referenced stakeholders and to strictly comply with Patria Ethical Code of Conduct and related guidelines and policies as well as any and all applicable laws and regulations.
Patria works in close, long-term co-operation with these stakeholders and understands good partnership as professional, reliable, responsible, open and transparent collaboration that all parties involved can accept without reservation.
At Patria, the national legislation of Finland and other operating countries on the transparency of communications and lobbying directed at political and governmental influencers is strictly adhered to. Transparency in communication to promote Patria's goals and interests is in line with the high ethical level that defines all Patria's activities.
Patria manages its stakeholder relations honestly, ethically, fairly and confidentially.
Patria does not tolerate any deviation from high ethical standards of integrity, transparency, ethical conduct and compliance.
Excellent examples of the partnership can be found in various partnership agreements, such as the strategic partnership agreement signed between the Finnish Defence Forces and Patria regarding life-cycle support services for military aviation systems, and the extended strategic partnership agreement between Millog and the Finnish Defence Forces.
Patria Oyj has a few memberships. Patria takes part in the United Nations Global Compact and supports its work through annual voluntary donations. The leading Finnish companies operating in international and domestic markets established Global Compact Finland Network to gather up all the Finnish companies and organisations committed to the UN Global Compact initiative. Patria is also a member of the Finnish Corporate Responsibility Network FIBS.
There are also industry-related memberships. Patria is a Direct Company Member of AeroSpace and Defence Industries Association of Europe (ASD). Patria is also a member of the Association of Finnish Defence and Aerospace Industries (AFDA) in which Patria’s representative acts a Chairman of the Board. AFDA covers almost all the defence-related industries in Finland with approximately 120 member companies. AFDA has close relations with the Finnish Ministry of Defence and Defence Forces. It is also a member of the ASD. Patria is also a member of the AmCham in Finland and the Chamber of Commerce in Helsinki region.