The Patria GEO drone offers up to 74 minutes of flight time and can map over 100 hectares in a single flight.
Patria GEO
- Patria GEO Drone is outstanding in its class – the flying time is up to 74 min.
- GEO Drone is designed especially for land survey, mapping and different forest and agriculture requirements. It is a quick and easy to use solution to visualize, measure and model different kind of targets.
- The flight weight with imaging capability starting from 5 kilograms and it is able to map over 100 hectares during a single flight. When imaging with a 42Mpx camera in 150 meters the ground sample distance size is 2 centimeters.
- Flight planning software
- GEO Drone includes the VideoDrone Ground Station flight planning software. The application works on Windows computers and it is used to plan the area to be mapped. The actual flight is then carried out automatically. The computer is not included.
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