
General entry requirements

  • Basic health; no chronical illnesses or color blindness (eyeglasses are not automatically a reason for disqualification)
  • Acceptance from the aptitude tests
  • Upper secondary school basic syllabus or equivalent
  • Sufficient English skills (evaluated during the aptitude tests)
  • For Finnish male students, military service must be fulfilled according to the conscription law (military/civilian service or acquittal)

Application process

1.    Preliminary qualification (on paper)

In the preliminary qualification, all applications are initially evaluated by the applicant’s certificates and grades. Evaluation of health condition and fulfillment of military service (applies to Finnish male applicants) are also verified.

The study material is in English, hence sufficient English skills are essential.

2.    Private basic testing

-    On computer: Verbal, spatial, numeral and attentiveness tests and the PRF Personality Test.

-    On paper: Examination of English and of mathematics and physics combined.

-    The testing costs 175€. No detailed information about the results of the test will be given to the candidate.

3.    Individual testing

-    An interview in Finnish and English (approx. 45 mins)

-    Aptitude tests targeted for professional pilots (approx. 45 mins)

The testing costs 330€. The candidate may receive oral feedback about the results per request.

4.    Medical examination

After passing phase 3 of the selection process, the candidate is conditionally accepted to Patria Pilot Training program. An Aviation Medical Examiner (AME) will perform a medical examination (“MED-1”), which will confirm the acceptance. The medical examination should be done shortly after phases 1-3. The examination is paid directly to the medical center by the candidate.

Patria does not respond to inquiries concerning medical eligibility. If necessary, please contact the Aviation Medical Center or Traficom (the Finnish Transport and Communications Agency) and explore the information about the eligibility requirements for professional pilots (MED-1 Class).

Link to the medical requirements:…

Housing for students

Housing, dining, commute etc. expenses are not included in the price of the training.

The flight training is partly arranged in Cordoba, Spain. The basic flight training and instrument rating arranged in Spain lasts approximately 4 months. After the training in Spain, the students return to Pirkkala, Finland for the rest of their training. Patria Pilot Training will assist the students with their travel and housing arrangements in Spain.

Each student is responsible for their own housing arrangements in Finland. It is recommended to explore the apartment selection of Tampere and Pirkkala prior to the beginning of the studies.

Through these links can be found some accommodation options suited for students (i. a. furnished rental apartments and shared flats). Furthermore, you can explore the options rented by personal tenants.

After the student selections have been confirmed, Patria Pilot Training can assist the students to find roommates of our other students who wish to stay in a shared flat.